Monday, April 4, 2011


The needs assessment was a key discovery. In the past this was something I either overlooked, just briefly touched on or did not solicit from the right sources. 'Needs Assessments' can keep the program planner from wrongly assuming and neglecting key elements! A true “life skill” I will remember.

The need for a Program Planner to be aware of the different facets implemented in the Program Planning short the need to learn! I conclude upon completion of this course that Program Planning will require of the Planner continuous learning.

This course has broadened my view of Adult Education. I hope to employ some of the techniques shared for 'Learner Evaluation' in my future role as a part time workshop facilitator.

This course is hard work but also enriching. Its been a pleasure reading other participants post's. Many thanks to fellow learners, Margerit and Cafarella.

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