Thursday, March 28, 2013

Disseminating Your Opinion

In my last post I compared the creation of content to art. However, my excitement, when creating content still leaves moments of trepidation when I share my treasured "art" with others. This post will share my reflections on the topic of disseminating my opinion to a virtually unidentifiable audience.

My first suggestion, identify an active group or discussion forum to share your opinion to. Once you have overcome any inner challenge of making your first post, to a targeted audience group (or forum), the learning process would be greatly enhanced if the audience provided feedback. 

Robin Good, an independent new media publisher, talks about how people should curate topics they are passionate about. This is a principle I adhered to when creating my opinion piece, and I hold to this thought process during all stages or instances of content development. 

Having an engaging audience to share my work with should have been the first step in this project, however, it was my last. My recommendation is that one observes a forum first, before posting, and notes the level of engagement from the existing participants. 

The writer should also share, through commenting on some of the writings from other participants, first, before posting his/her own thoughts. In this way, the writer has (hopefully) built rapport with the audience, before expecting others to interact with the new discussion he/she begins. 

The next key step, in the process, is having a viable base of information from where to support ones opinion(s). In this case, the course I was involved in provided ample resources to which I could link, and in doing so affirm my opinions. The other option is having a firm understanding of the broad topic: effective online searching

Finally, Lucid Chart remains my favorite for the creation of mind maps - keeping in mind that a picture is worth a thousand words, and one can provide distinctive branding to his/her articles through the creation and incorporation of their own visuals. 

In the end, press forward with bravery and express yourself. Enjoy!

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